Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook or Thyroid Power

The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook: Your Reference Guide to Thousands of Foods, and How Each One Shapes Your Body

Author: David Zinczenko

Look around at America's waistlines and you'll see belts busting all over the place. Some might say that this weight problem is won or lost at the dinner table. Or at restaurants. Or in the drive-thru lane. Or when Mom invites you over for meat loaf. While it's true that such nutritional skirmishes take place every day, the real battle over broken scales and too-tight pants happens because you're not being fed something else: the nutrition information you need to make smart decisions every day. The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook feeds you that information the same way the Abs Diet feeds your body: in quick, convenient, completely satisfying bites. Among the most tempting morsels:  -99 tips, tricks and trivia about food, including why walnuts should be your sixth meal of the day, how a veggie's color can clue you in to its health benefits, and which vitamin supplement can help you burn 39 percent more fat during exercise -A simple chart outlining the 100 best foods in the world (Dark chocolate makes the list!) -The 20 foods that are so bad, you should actually ban them--even from your weekly cheat meal -49 more nutrition bulletins, such as how your favorite sugar substitute stacks up against its competition and which beverage not only promotes weight loss but also fights bad breath -A guide to the very best--and worst--menu choices at 29 of your favorite restaurants -A primer on what to eat--and avoid--at the ballpark, at happy hour, and when raiding your kid's Halloween candy This book--the latest in the series that began with the New York Times bestseller The Abs Diet--gives you the tools you need tofight fat, build your 6-pack, and get the body you've always wanted. Throw it into your pocket, purse, car, or shopping cart for reference anywhere, anytime. You'll have at your fingertips the skinny on smart eating no matter your lifestyle or your tastes. Because there isn't just one secret to achieving your ideal body. There are lots of them. And they're all here--within The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook.

Look this: Rise of the Fourth Reich or Ghost

Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health

Author: Richard L Shames

A growing health epidemic is sweeping our country and millions may be affected—without knowing it. Undiagnosed or under-treated low thyroid is an energy-sapping illness with diverse symptoms, making diagnosis difficult, including "waking up tired," unexplained aches and pains, mental sluggishness, overweight despite light eating, low sex drive, infertility, allergies, and more. The thyroid gland controls every chemical reaction of every organ in the body. Low thyroid is debilitating—and alarmingly on the rise. Thyroid Power reveals:

  • Why a person may have low thyroid even if their doctor says their blood tests are "normal"
  • Who is most likely to suffer from low thyroid
  • How low thyroid masquerades as other illnesses and makes any illness worse
  • How modern life contributes to the problem, from environmental toxins to stress

Thyroid Power provides 10 steps to harness the thyoid's power for health and well-being. The Shameses explain how to get an accurate, cost-effective diagnosis; discover the best dose, brand, or mix of medications, and adopt a lifestyle promoting thyoid health, including the right foods, supplements, and holistic methods.

Larry Dossey

Thyroid Power is a vivid picture of the emerging new medicine, which honors not just the body but the mind and spirit as well. This book shows how we as individuals can be a part of our own healthcare, and how we can achieve high-level wellness. [It] simplifies the complex world of thyroid function and gives practical steps that will benefit everyone.

Julia Ross

Thyroid Power provides a fresh, expert look at the epidemic of undiagnosed low thyroid problems in the U.S. The authors have a unique perspective, having experienced the problem personally as well as having developed a successful wholistic approach to it. The Shameses' book offers invaluable guidance. No matter what your M.D. has told you, if you are tired too often and struggle with stubborn overweight, buy this book for a lifesaving second opinion!

John R. Lee

. . .[T]he best book ever written on the subject of thyroid. . . .Read Thyroid Power to learn why conventional thyroid tests are so often inadequate, why thyroid function is so important to your health, how thyroid fits in the complex interplay of the hormone network, diet, stress, the immune system, environmental toxins, and the myriad influences on mytabolism in general.

Elson M. Haas

I am convinced that thyroid dysfunction is more commonplace than the medical profession accepts. This is changing as more doctors see that patients (with sub-clinical hypothytoidism respond favorably to thyroid treatment support. [The Shameses] have put together a user-friendly, insightful guide to help with understanding and treating all kinds of thyroid problems. A valuable addition to medical care.

C. Norman Shealy

Subclinical hypothyroidism may be considerably more common than physicians recognize. All individuals who are not feeling optimally energetic need to read this book.

Gladys Taylor McGarey

What the Drs. Shames have done in this wonderful book is to help clarify issues related to this hormonal dysfunction and empower both patient and physician to understand their role in healing this problem. I am happy to share this book with my colleagues and patients as we work with this difficult problem.

Alan R. Gaby

This book is important reading for the millions of people with thyroid problems that have gone undiagnosed or been inadequately treated.

Kathleen K. Fry

At last — an easy-to-read, comprehensive reference on detecting and treating low thyroid. This is a must-read for anyone who is chronically tired and would like to know why.

Library Journal

Richard Shames, a physician, and his wife, Karilee, a Ph.D.-prepared registered nurse, have written "a step-by-step approach to healing low thyroid," a condition they feel affects far more people than is generally recognized. In ten steps, the authors outline the different kinds of thyroid disease, its manifestations, how it can be diagnosed, and the variety of ways it can be treated. The style is very readable and includes Karilee's personal account of dealing with low thyroid. A number of appendixes (though they are not so named) collect information on topics discussed throughout the book a glossary of terms, resources, the kinds of tests, etc. The authors refer to numerous studies and other books that are included in both the notes for each chapter and in a "Further Reading" section. This book will complement other consumer health titles such as Ridha Arem's The Thyroid Solution (LJ 6/1/99) and Beth Ann Ditkoff and Paul Lo Gerfo's briefer The Thyroid Guide (HarperResource, 2000). Recommended for consumer health collections. Mary J. Jarvis, West Texas A & M Univ., Canyon Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

Table of Contents:
Preface Low Thyroid: An Undeclared Epidemicxvii
Before You Begin: How This Book Can Helpxix
Step 1Consider Thyroid the Hidden Factor in Your Overall Health1
Step 2Learn How Low Thyroid Makes Any Illness Worse22
Step 3Use Signs, Symptoms, and Family History to Support a Diagnosis42
Step 4Realize You May Still Be Low Thyroid Despite Normal Tests60
Step 5Discover Your Best Dose, Brand, or Mix of Medicines87
Step 6Reestablish Balance in Your Reproductive System107
Step 7Determine If Low Adrenal Should Also Be Treated130
Step 8Boost Your Medication with Natural Therapies152
Step 9Improve the Underlying Autoimmune Condition179
Step 10Reach Optimal Recovery with an Empowered Lifestyle208
Beyond the Tenth Step: How to Tap the Source of Boundless Energy237
The 5-Day Jump Start: How to Begin Your Program Quickly255
Show This to Your Doctor261
Useful Terms267
Fluoride Facts275
Medications Useful for Low Thyroid291
Food Choices293
Recommended Supplements295
Further Reading301

1 comment:

  1. My friend is obese and has bought bovine supplements on the Internet. She has lost lots of weight very quickly as a result of taking it.
