Friday, January 9, 2009

Hildegard of Bingens Spiritual Remedies or Advanced Dim Mak

Hildegard of Bingen's Spiritual Remedies

Author: Wighard Strehlow

Synthesizes the holistic wisdom of Hildegard of Bingen to offer the modern reader her spiritual and psychological healing principles.

• Takes a holistic view of psychological or spiritual illness and its physical repercussions.

• Shows how to incorporate healing words into thoughts in order to prevent negative energy.

• Companion volume to Hildegard of Bingen's Medicine, a collection of remedies for physical ailments (30,000 sold).

A 12th-century mystic, visionary, and healer, Hildegard of Bingen recognized what the holistic health movement has only recently restored to our consciousness: that full health can only be experienced in a state of spiritual balance. Psychological trauma, emotional distress, and other maladies of the soul often lead to illness and chronic diseases. Healing the body begins with the self-healing of the spirit.

Dr. Wighard Strehlow explains the natural methods used by Hildegard of Bingen to treat weaknesses of the soul--problems that are today treated by drugs such as Prozac. Based on his clinical work with this effective energetic medicine for more than 20 years, Dr. Strehlow gives readers a complete program for a lifestyle of "spiritual fitness." His practical suggestions are based on the integration of 35 spiritual forces of the human soul in order to "cure the soul within," which he synthesized from five of Hildegard's books on spiritual and psychological healing principles. He suggests that the recovery of Hildegard's insights into cultivating the health of body and spirit may even provide solutions to the challenges currently frustrating Western medical science.


This volume explains the natural methods used by twelfth-century mystic and healer Hildegard of Bingen to treat psychological distress, spiritual ailments, and their physical repercussions. It offers a complete program for "spiritual fitness," based on principles synthesized from five of Hildegard's books. Strehlow practices at the Hildegard Center in Allensbach, Germany. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR


This volume explains the natural methods used by twelfth-century mystic and healer Hildegard of Bingen to treat psychological distress, spiritual ailments, and their physical repercussions. It offers a complete program for "spiritual fitness," based on principles synthesized from five of Hildegard's books. Strehlow practices at the Hildegard Center in Allensbach, Germany. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

What People Are Saying

Karl E. Lutze
Dr. Strehlow stresses the importance of the unity of the body, mind, and soul. One's good health is the product of the right ordering of the relationship of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of the self into an integrated whole.|Bruce W. Hozeski, Ph.D., author Hildegard Von Bingen's Mystical Visions~Strehlow not only tells of Hildegard's concept of health and well-being, he presents her insights, assessments, and counsel as he see them applied to the context of contemporary life.(Karl E. Lutze, Associate Professor Emeritus, Valparaiso University)

Table of Contents:
Prologue: A Spiritual Guide through the Third Millennium with Hildegard of Bingenxi
Do We Need a New Medicine?
Introduction: The Power of Spiritual Fitness1
Virtues and Vices
Turning the Evil into the Virtuous
The Healing Power of Precious Stones and Crystals
Chapter 1Principles of Hildegard's Psychotherapy: The Cosmic and Divine Forces of the Human Soul12
1.Vision: The Cosmic Dimension of Humanity
2.Vision: Humanity in the Rhythm of the Four Elements
3.Vision: Relationship between Body and Soul
4.Vision: The Trinity in the Unity
Chapter 2Spirituality and Healing38
Is There a World Ethos?
Discovery of Cosmic Psychosomatic Values
Practical Application of Hildegard's Psychotherapy
Liber Vitae Meritorum (The Book of Virtues and Vices)
Our Social Relationship
Rediscovery of Hildegard's Psychotherapy
Healing Is a Multidimensional Process
Friendship with the Angels
The Cosmic Christ and the Power of Love
Anatomy of the Human Body and Soul
The Language of the Soul
The Autonomic Nervous System: Bridge between Body and Soul
Ordo Virtutum: The Dance of Life with Virtues and Vices
Chapter 3The Eastman60
The First Seven Powers and the Seven Senses
1.Amor saeculi and Amor caelestis - Material Love and Heavenly Love
2.Petulantia and Disciplina - Petulance and Discipline
3.Joculatrix and Verecundia - Love of Entertainment and Love of Simplicity
4.Obduratio and Misericordia - Hard-heartedness and Compassion
5.Ignavia and Divina victoria - Cowardice and God's Victory
6.Ira and Patientia - Anger and Tranquillity
7.Inepta laetitia and Gemitus ad Deum - Inappropriate Mirth and Yearning for God
Chapter 4The Westman107
8.Ingluvies ventri and Abstinentia - Gluttony and Abstinence
9.Acerbitas and Vera largitas - Bitterness of Heart and Generosity
10.Impietas and Pietas - Wickedness and Devotion
11.Fallacitas and Veritas - Lying and Truth
12.Contentio and Pax - Contention and Peace
13.Infelicitas and Beatitudo - Unhappiness and Blessedness
14.Immoderatio and Discretio - Immoderation and Discretion
15.Perditio animarum and Salvatio animarum - Lost Soul and Saved Soul
Chapter 5The Northman137
Infancy: The Third Section from Hip to Knee
The Acquired Virtues of Childhood
16.Superbia and Humilitas - Arrogance and Humility
17.Invidia and Charitas - Envy and Charity
18.Inanis gloria and Timor Domini - Thirst for Glory and Reverence for God
19.Inobedientia and Obedientia - Disobedience and Obedience
20.Infidelitas and Fides - Lack of Faith and Faith
21.Desperatio and Spes - Despair and Hope
22.Luxuria and Castitas - Obscenity and Chastity
Chapter 6The Southman168
23.Injustitia and Justitia - Injustice and Justice
24.Torpor and Fortitudo - Lethargy and Fortitude
25.Oblivio and Sanctitas - Oblivion and Holiness
26.Inconstantia and Constantia - Instability and Stability
27.Cura terrenorum and Caeleste desiderium - Concern for Worldly Goods and Heavenly Desire
28.Obstinatio and Compunctio cordis - Obstinacy and Remorse
29.Cupiditas and Contemptus mundi - Craving and Letting Go
30.Discordia and Concordia - Discord and Concord
Chapter 7The New Elders Ascend to the Summit208
The Supreme Allroundman
31.Scurrilitas and Reverentia - Scurrility and Reverence
32.Vagatio and Stabilitas - Vagabondage and Stability
33.Maleficium and Cultus Dei - Occultism and Dedication to God
34.Avaritia and Sufficientia - Avarice and Satisfaction
35.Tristitia and Caeleste gaudium - Melancholy and Heavenly Joy
Chapter 8Fasting: Discover Your Real Personality244
Long-term Fasting
Bread Fasting
Hard-core Fasting
About Hildegard of Bingen258

Look this: L'Analyste Légal :une Trousse à outils pour Penser à la Loi

Advanced Dim-Mak: The Finer Points Of Death-Point Striking

Author: Erle Montaigu

This sequel to Dim-Mak: Death-Point Striking reveals more about training, points, revival and healing. Learn street survival techniques, including knife defense, using simple dim-mak methods, plus knockout and controlling points for law enforcement and dim-mak points for children. For information purposes only.

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